Good News Home for Women


You are not alone ...

Hunterdon Medical Center

Hunterdon Behavioral Health
Short-term intensive treatment for those in need of
psychiatric stabilization or detoxification from alcohol and/or drugs

2100 Wescott Drive
Flemington, NJ 08822


24-Hour Crisis Hotline 908-788-6400



Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program

Counseling & Assessment Services

Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program provides confidential substance abuse evaluations, and individual, family and group counseling services. Clients are screened by the Clinical Director and assigned an individual counselor to meet with and discuss their concerns.




AA offers a way to stop drinking for those who feel they have a problem with alcohol. Recovering alcoholics hold meetings.
Offers a comprehensive collection of web site links providing helpful resources for substance abusers and their family and friends.
Toll Free
NA offers a way to stop using drugs through
support groups.
NJ Helpline
Provides support for those dependent on cocaine.
TOUGHLOVEŽ International is a non-profit, self-help organization that provides ongoing education and active support to families, empowering parents and young people to accept responsibility for their actions.
Helps families and friends to learn how not to be "enablers" of substance abusers.
Refers family and friends of substance abusers to nearby Ala-Anon and Alateen support groups.
(In NJ)
  Free Booklets
The following booklets can be ordered for free by calling the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
Addiction Happens in the Best of Families
How Getting High Can Get You AIDS
Your Child Needs You!
Alcoholism Tends to Run in Families
Hope, Help & Healing: Helping Someone...
Stop & Think - If You're Pregnant, Don't Drink
Marijuana:  Reading the Smoke Signals
Please report broken links to
Family Support Meetings
The Good News Home offers support to family members and other loved ones of the chemically dependent. Meetings, held twice a month on Saturdays, are free of charge and open to the general public.
If you are interested in attending please call
Nancy Wilk, Family Counselor
908-806-4220 Ext #228
Support groups offer a safe environment where recovering people who recognize Jesus Christ as their "Higher Power" gather together and share their experience, strength and hope.

The Power of Prayer

The Christian 12-Steps


"Serenity" by Robert Hemfelt -- Now you can discover for yourself the principles behind the Twelve Steps as they occur in Scripture -- Included are recovery meditations and related recovery scriptures

When you purchase books through this link from the Good News Home receives a percentage of what you spend, but at no additional cost to you.  Please note that no part of your purchase should be considered as a charitible contribution.

A non-profit, spiritually-focused rehabilitation center serving women 18 years and older who have been involved in drug addiction, alcoholism and other life-controlling problems.
For Garrison, New York

For Pasadena, California
Founded in 1944 by Marty Mann, the first woman to find long-term sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) provides education, information, help and hope to the public. It advocates prevention, intervention and treatment.
(24-hour Affiliate referral)
Getting people help for problems with alcohol and/or other drugs when they don't want help is what intervention is all about.  The National Intervention Network guides family, friends, pastors and co-workers of people with substance abuse problems through each step of the intervention process.  The Network abides by a code of ethics and specific protocols to prepare you for what may be one of the most important things you have ever done for another human being.  Never conduct an intervention without professional guidance.

"You've Got a Friend"

Resources and web site links are provided for your convenience.
If you use these resources or links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites, or for referrals, advice or information obtained from any source. 
Please refer to our Disclaimer web page.

Good News Home for Women
33 Bartles Corner Road
Flemington, New Jersey 08822