Good News Home for Women



written by one of our residents

Dara's* Narrow Escape:  A desperate need for love and affection and a sense of not belonging led me to the destructive world of promiscuity and drug addiction at a young age.  The progression of my addiction took me from one abusive relationship to another; from marijuana to selling cocaine; and from periods of abstinence to becoming my own best customer.  Blessed with four children, but overcome by hopelessness, despair, guilt and shame, my life was out of control and unmanageable.  I flirted with death several times, but God had provided ways for me to narrowly escape.  By the time I faced my third prison stay, I somehow came to the realization that I paid a high price for something that seemed to promise me everything and delivered nothing but pain, misery and loss.  Looking around the jail cell, I saw nothing but death.  I did not want to live any longer, but the Voice in which I was raised to believe would not let me give up.  I fell to the floor of the prison cell and cried, "Lord, please help me."  The little faith that I had was enough to move the mountain of fear within me and I was finally able to surrender to Him.  Months later, God opened a door and many people came to my aid, including the people from the Good News Home.  After being at the Home for nine months, my relationship with God has grown strong and I am no longer hopelessly searching.  I plan to work my way through Bible college so that I can fulfill the vision that God has put before me.  A vision of a transitional program, project Inmate Advancement Mission that will help to serve those who are held captive in emotional and spiritual prisons.  This will be for the Glory of God.
---2002 Graduate

January 2006

To the Good News Home Staff,

     I am a former resident.  I attended your program very briefly in 1996.  Unfortunately I did not reap all the benefits of your wonderful program at the time…My reason for writing is to let you know that although I did not complete your program, I did get myself recovered with the help of Our Lord…I have been clean for 8 years!  I moved to Massachusetts where I have been attending a Messianic Jewish congregation; they are believers...While in your program I met Ruth Curtis; she was an amazing woman!  I am very saddened to hear of Ms. Ginsburg's passing.  It is wonderful that her vision for a refuge for women suffering from addiction, and preaching the good news of salvation still thrives! I want to thank you for your efforts in trying to help me…I am sorry for any trouble I may have caused at the time…Know that you did plant a seed in me…Although it took a while to grow, you did create an impact on my life!  Thanks again and God Bless You all!!!

---1996 Resident


“I’m so grateful to the Good News Home for helping me to know the Lord and helping me to get on the road to recovery.  My daughter and I now live in Arizona. I received my license as a chemical dependency counselor from the University of Arizona.  I’m now working towards my BA in Humanities.  The poetry class given at the Home is coming in handy now that I’m taking a course in English literature.  I also work as a teacher’s aide at a school for severely mentally and physically handicapped children.  It’s all quite a challenge so I need to tap into God’s strength on a moment-to-moment basis.  I thank you all at the Home for your team effort.  I doubt if I would be alive today if I wasn’t protected from myself during my 9-months at the Home.”
— 1999 Graduate

* Names have been changed for reasons of confidentiality

"I have a new purpose in my life---God's purpose and sobriety.  I was given the opportunity to further my education and pursue my goals by attending college while in treatment at the Good News Home." 

"I was in a 90-day treatment center last year.  It taught me all the technical stuff, but that doesn't do the healing in your heart and soul...only letting Jesus in can do that." 

"For the first time in a long time I feel I'm surrounded by people who love and care about me..."


"Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid,
neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God
is with thee withersoever thou goest."
                                                                                                 Joshua 1:9

Good News Home for Women
33 Bartles Corner Road
Flemington, New Jersey 08822